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VIDEO - Control distractions instead of letting distractions control you!

We all know that we have more available information in the present than ever before. Social media, online news, satellites, and the absurdly fast advancements in technology make sure that we are receiving news or updates as soon as something is happening.

According to the renowned psychiatrist, Augusto Cury, "Children and teenagers are being saturated with information, a seven-year-old child today has more information than the emperor of Rome ever had..."

Social media and technology can be a great tool to push us forward and help us connect to others. However, when that becomes an addiction, there is a problem! All of a sudden we cannot concentrate, we repeat past mistakes, and we start comparing ourselves to the filtered photos on Instagram or Facebook.

Unfortunately, that was happening to me!

In this video, we focus on not letting that happen to you. Recently, I was able to experience controlling distractions instead of letting all of these tools control me in a negative manner, and my life was changed.

I hope this video hits home for you! If you like it, please subscribe to our blog ;)

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